Common Questions - Screentec

Manufacturers of Customised & Branded Products


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01443 730271

Common Questions

Browse our common questions below using the tabs provided to answer some of your questions. If you don’t find what you are looking for then you can always give us a ring or send us an email using the contact us page on our website

Order Quantity

There is usually a minimum order quantity of 50 items but please contact us to discuss your requirements as various factors can affect this quantity such as size or type of product and its cost.

If the job is digitally printed then there is usually no minimum run because of the low setup costs involved.

Order Duration

Orders can take from anywhere between a few days to a few weeks depending on the complexity of the job and if it is printed or unprinted.

Other factors that can affect the duration of the order include the quality of the artwork supplied (if it needs to be redrawn by our graphics department) and the quantity required. Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

Artwork Format

We accept artwork in a variety of formats as shown below:


  • CD
  • DVD
  • USB Pen Drive
  • Zip Disk 100mb
  • If possible please send artwork by email to as this speeds up the order process.


  • Corel Draw v.8 – v.16
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
  • Adobe Illustrator (EPS)

Please ensure that all text is converted to curves or that all fonts are supplied with artwork to avoid delays in your order.


We accept payment by cheque, BACS or debit card. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full details.

Business Details

Screentec fully complies with the Data Protection Act. All business details sent to Screentec are strictly confidential and we do not give or sell them to any other company or individual.

Polypropylene vs PVC

There are many benefits of using either Polypropylene or PVC for items such as ring binders or clipboards. Below is a short description of each type of material and its potential advantages.


Polypropylene is produced by using the gaseous waste from oil (propylene and ethylene) and combining them to make a completely different material: Polypropylene. Before the invention of polypropylene these gases were simply burned and contributed to atmospheric pollution (CO2). Polypropylene is more environmentally friendly than other plastic materials such as PVC as it does not give off chlorine when burnt, unlike PVC, but gives off water vapour and carbon dioxide making it a chemically inert product.

Polypropylene products last much longer than those made from similar materials as they are hard wearing and will withstand ageing and extreme temperatures.

There are three main types of polypropylene:

  • Opaque (solid)
  • Translucent (frosted)
  • Transparent (clear)

These materials can be printed using a wide selection of colours.


PVC is a flexible material and because of this when using PVC to make ring binders and clipboards the finished product usually consists of an outer layer of PVC and an inner layer of cardboard for strength and sometimes an aditional layer of sponge to give the binder or clipboard a different texture.

The advantage of PVC binders or clipboards over polypropylene is that it is more rigid and less likely to bend or loose its shape.

Whatever option you choose, be it polypropylene or PVC, we assure you that the finished product will be completed to the hightest possible standards. Why not browse our product catalogue to see a small selection of the products that we have already produced for our customers.